
Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Foolish Deer

One day, when a deer was grazing in a jungle, some hunters arrived there and shot an arrow at him. The poor animal got scared and hid behind a bush.

The hunters started searching for him. The deer couldn't control his patience and started nibbling the leaves of the bushes. The hunters heard the rustling sound of the leaves.

One of them saw the deer behind the tree and shot an arrow at him and the deer fell down dead.

So, it's always said that at the time of danger, one should keep patience and behave intelligently.

The Discontented Dog

Once a dog was relaxing in a garden when it saw a cat on the top of a high wall. It thought, "It must be so nice to be high above the ground. If only I could climb?" this feeling of envy made it so bad-tempered, that it didn't even wag its tail at its master, who came to give it some milk.

Then it saw a goldfish in the river and wished that it too could live in the cold water. Envy made it angry once again.

Just then it heard the fish say, "It looks so nice and warm on the grass. I wish I could lie down on it."

After some time, a sparrow flew past. Seeing the dog lazing around, it said aloud, "I wish I could play the whole day like this dog. I wish I didn't have to build a nest for myself, search for food and tire my wings."

Listening to them, the dog realized its folly for not appreciating what it had.

A Monkey And Two Cats

Once upon a time two cats found a piece of cheese and cut it into two pieces. But one piece was slightly bigger than the other. Both the cats wanted the bigger piece. Then they went ton a monkey and asked to sort out the matter.
The monkey said, "Don't worry. I'll make both the pieces equal. Then it took a bite from the bigger piece. But this made the other piece larger. So it took a bite from the other piece. This continued till the pieces became very small.

Seeing this, the cats pleaded, "Sir! We are satisfied. Let us have the pieces now."

The shrewd monkey replied, "This is my fee for sorting out the problem." Saying this, it gobbled up the remaining cheese.


Look Before You Leap

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his level best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other alternative but to remain there till the next morning.

The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw the fox there. The goat asked "what are you doing there, Mr. Fox?"

The sly fox replied, "I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come and see for yourself."

Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well, quenched her thirst and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found herself helpless to come out.

Then the fox said, "I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I'll climb on your head and get out. Then I shall help you come out too."

The goat was innocent enough to understand the shrewdness of the fox and did as the fox said and help him get out of the well.

While walking away, the fox said, "Had you been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out."

That's why we say, "Look before you leap".

Greed A Curse

Once upon a time there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children. They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beautiful hen which laid an egg everyday. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a person.

The man wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at one single go. So, one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs together.

So, the next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man caught hold of it, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its body open.

There was nothing but blood all around & no trace of any egg at all. He was highly grieved because now he would not get even one single egg.

His life was going on smoothly with one egg a day but now, he himself made his life miserable. The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming poorer & poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper. How jinxed and how much foolish he was.

So, the moral of the story is- one who desires more, looses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets.

The Right Choice

Once upon a time, a wise and generous king ruled Burma. One day, his prime minister retired. Now the king had to find his replacement. There were two names for the post- Leuk and Batuk.

Leuk was lazy but Batuk was hard working as well as intelligent. The king organized a boat race. But suddenly something seemed to disturb the calm waters of the river.

Leuk said that it was some monster and returned to the shore. Batuk dived into the river and took the culprit out. It was just a coconut, which the king himself had placed there.

Batuk was chosen as the prime minister.

A Hunter And A Rabbit

A hunter once caught a rabbit and was carrying it home for his evening meal.

After trying very hard to escape, the rabbit said to the hunter, "If you let me go, I'll show you where the rest of my companions are hidden, so your catch will be larger."

The hunter said, "Now you must die for betraying your friends." Saying this, the hunter killed the rabbit.

Two Travellers and Some Money

Two travelers were journeying together when one of them found a bag and said to another, "Look, I have found a bag of money."

The other man said, "Remember we are traveling together. So, don't say I've found it, say we have found it."

After some time, they heard that the police were looking for the thieves who had stolen a bag of money.

The man holding the bag said, "We are undone."

The other man said, "Don't say we are undone but I'm undone. When I wouldn't share any money, I'll not have any punishment."

How selfish the man was!

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

A Town Mouse was invited by his cousin who lived in the countryside to spend a few days in her company. They had a very modest dinner, with wheat stalks, roots, acorns, and fresh water. After the meal, the Town Mouse began to describe the throbbing and charming life of the town, with all the luxuries and delights that anyone could desire. So, the next day when the Town Mouse asked the Country Mouse to go home with her to the city, she accepted.
When they reached the Town Mouse’s home, they found the most tempting food the Country Mouse could have imagined. But, no sooner had they started to eat, than a fierce Cat attacked them. They managed to hide, but soon after, a Man with a Dog came in and they had to hide again. The scared Country Mouse decided to return home immediately.
“You may have luxuries that I have not,” she said as she hurried away,” but I prefer my plain food and simple but peaceful life.”

The Dog and His Reflection

A Dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of meat in his mouth, saw his own reflection in the water. Thinking it was another dog with a bigger piece of meat, he growled and frowned at it, wishing to have that morsel, too.
He, then, opened his mouth to get the other piece of meat, but at that moment, his own fell into the water with a splash and the stream swept it away. He thus lost both.

The Stag at the River

A Stag, very thirsty because of the heat, came to a river in a forest to drink some water. He saw his shadow reflected in the water, and greatly admired the size of his horns, but felt ashamed of his weak and thin legs. 
“I wish my legs were as beautiful as my horns,” he sobbed.
While he was lost in these thoughts, a Lion appeared at the river. The Stag fled from the river in an instant, but his horns soon became entangled with the branches and he found himself stuck
The Lion quickly caught up with him and captured him. 
“How wrong I was to despise my legs which could have saved me now, had it not been for my horns which I so admired!” he cried.

The Bear and the Two Travelers

Two Friends were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly appeared before them. One of them, thinking of his own safety climbed up quickly into a tree, without trying to help his friend do the same. The other, not having time to hide, fell flat on the ground, without moving at all, as if he were dead. The Bear came up and smelled him all over, and after a while, thinking he was dead, walked away. When the danger was gone, the other Traveler climbed down from the tree, and, laughing at his friend asked him: 
“What did the bear whisper in your ear?”
“He gave me this advice," the other replied. "Never travel with a friend who leaves you in the lurch." 

The Fox and the Crow

A Crow, having stolen a bit of meat, sat in a tree and held it in her beak. A hungry Fox, seeing this, envied the crow and wished to have the meat for himself. So he came up with a cunning plan.
“How gracious you are,” he exclaimed, “how beautifully your feathers shine! Oh, if only your voice were equal to your beauty, you would deserve to be called the Queen of Birds!”
The Crow was really flattered by these words, so, anxious to be called the Queen of Birds, she gave a loud caw and dropped the meat. The Fox quickly picked it up, and thus addressed the Crow: 
“My dear Crow, you have a nice voice, indeed, but I’m afraid you have no wits.”

The Ass in the Lion's Skin

One day, an Ass found a Lion's skin left in the forest by a hunter, and wishing to amuse himself and to feel powerful, put it on, scaring all the animals he met on his way. He was very proud of himself and felt like a real king. But in his delight, he opened his mouth and brayed in triumph.
The moment he heard the Ass’s voice, a Fox who was running frightened as well, stopped suddenly and began to laugh. Approaching the Ass, he exclaimed:
“You could have fooled me, too, had I not heard your bray.”